Homeless Services

Cork Simon

021 4278728


Access Housing Unit

The Access Housing Unit supports people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Cork to access and maintain accommodation. We work to empower and assist people ‘out of home’ to access accommodation in the private rented sector through pre and post tenancy support. The Access Housing Unit also works to facilitate a partnership approach to service delivery to ensure a wraparound service is provided for all service users.

The Tenancy Sustainment service ensures that people maintain their tenancies and do not enter homelessness. The Tenancy Sustainment role responds to various needs i.e. domestic violence, substance mis –use, poverty, child protection concerns and poor mental health. These social issues have a huge contributing factor on people’s ability to sustain their tenancies. When the appropriate support needs are recognised and addressed, people can live independently while accessing services.

22 South Mall, Cork

021 4274164
