Referral Protocol
Why and when to use
Following the Initial Assessment, if the Case Manager and Service User agree that another service is required, then this protocol should be used when making referrals to other agencies. The Service User can access appropriate services in line with the agreed interagency care plan.
Guide to Referral Process
- A referral to another agency should be made when a Service User’s need is identified following an assessment.
- Ensure clarity around criteria for accessing the service, current waiting times and referral process.
- Written consent should be obtained prior to any contact with other services. If a Service User does not consent to their information being shared, then this should be respected. See Additional Consent.
- The Case Manager should provide a new agency with the case management referral form, or an agency specific form if requested, together with a cover letter outlining their role in the care plan and the signed additional consent form.
- Following referral, the Case Manager making the referral should follow up with the Service User and the service and share the assessment form and care plan as appropriate.
- If there is likely to be a significant wait in a service or programme, then a plan should be put in place by the Case Manager for the interim period, which may focus on preparatory activities or maintaining motivation.
- If a Service User disengages from any service following referral, then the Case Manager should be notified.
- If there are problems in engaging other services, then the Case Manager should refer to the Rehabilitation Co-ordinator through the Gaps and Blocks Protocol.